Golden Gran Fondo Weather Forecast

Sunday, August 28th 2022, 8:00 AM (MDT)

Features a whole lot of climbing and the beautiful Rocky Mountains with a post-ride party in Golden, Colorado.

This event has three courses: a 91 mile route, the Medio 63 mile route, and the Piccolo 20 mile route. The 90 mile route is shown.

Weather Conditions

Weather forecast for the Golden Gran Fondo:
Temperature: 64.4 to 84.2 ˚F
Wind: 4.4 to 11.8 mph winds with gust up to 21.1 mph
Precipitation: 3% probability of very light precipitation
Forecasts change. Check back to get an updated weather forecast leading up to the event.


Precipitation and Cloud Cover

Wind Speed

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The Golden Gran Fondo route shows up under "Events" in the app! Set your own pace to get a personalized forecast.

Wind Direction

Wind direction is shown with arrows on the map. Arrows are shown larger to indicate stronger winds
From the Epic Ride Weather app powered by  Weather and other data sources
Use of this website is subject to the Terms of Use. Be sure to check route date, start time, route and other details with the event organizers.