Okanagan Granfondo - Mediofondo Weather Forecast
Sunday, July 9th 2023, 7:00 AM (PDT)
Ride some of the most beautiful terrain of British Columbia's interior. This route starts in Penticton, Canada and follows the valley past Okanagan Falls and Oliver. Four route options available with choices of 121km, 87km and 52km. The 87km route is shown.
Other routes:
Official event site: https://okanagangranfondo.com
Weather Conditions
Weather forecast for the Okanagan Granfondo - Mediofondo:
Temperature: 20 to 29 ˚C
Wind: 2 to 4 km/h winds with gust up to 17 km/h
Precipitation: 0% probability of precipitation
Wind: 2 to 4 km/h winds with gust up to 17 km/h
Precipitation: 0% probability of precipitation
Forecasts change. Check back to get an updated weather forecast leading up to the event.
Wind Direction
Wind direction is shown with arrows on the map. Arrows are shown larger to indicate stronger winds
From the Epic Ride Weather app powered by Weather and other data sources
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Be sure to check route date, start time, route and other details with the event organizers.