Kootenay Lake Gran Fondo Weather Forecast
Saturday, September 21st 2019, 9:00 AM (MST)

Enjoy the gorgeous scenery riding along-side the Kootenay Lake, starting and finishing in the town of Creston, BC. With over 1700m of elevation gain, this is a challenging route in mountain country, with picturesque views of the lake and BC wilderness.
The ride is followed up with a dinner and wine/beer garden.
Three route options are available, the 150km route is shown.
Official event site: https://kootenaylakegranfondo.com
Weather Conditions
Weather forecast for the Kootenay Lake Gran Fondo:
Temperature: 10 to 21 ˚C
Wind: 2 to 7 km/h winds with gust up to 12 km/h
Precipitation: 2% probability of very light precipitation
Wind: 2 to 7 km/h winds with gust up to 12 km/h
Precipitation: 2% probability of very light precipitation
Forecasts change. Check back to get an updated weather forecast leading up to the event.
Wind Direction
Wind direction is shown with arrows
on the map. Arrows are shown larger to indicate stronger winds 

From the Epic Ride Weather app powered by Weather and other data sources
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Be sure to check route date, start time, route and other details with the event organizers.